Our Ministries

Greet parishioners at door, distribute Sunday bulletin, collect during the offertory, guide during communion.
Altar Guild
Responsible for altar and vestment preparation and maintenance.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Participate in the mass, readings, communion preparation, administer wine during communion.
The All Saints' choir sings praises to the Lord every Sunday.
Rehearsal is on Saturday at 10 a.m. under the direction of Dr. Claude Stuart.
All men and women who love singing are welcomed to join.

St. Anne's Guild
Women's group of the church, Branch of Episcopal Churchwomen
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
Men's group of church. The Brotherhood collects and sends funds to a young boy in Texas as part of their "Adopted Child Program".

Church elected board of trustees.
Wardens and Vestry

Florence Nightingale League
Members of the health field conduct blood pressure measure each month and provide advice.
Sunday School and Youth Group
There is an active Sunday School where the children learn about God's Word and participate in worship on Youth Sunday (first Sunday of the month). There is also a Youth Group that learns about the Bible and church doctrine as well as participating in important and fun activities.